Conversational Automation. Now is possible.
GAP. The context in which we operate.

What is

The goal of Conversational Automation (CA) is to properly connect humans and machines through a human-like conversational interaction. The recent introduction of more computational power, the exploitation of business data and the mastering of AI algorithms have made such a goal reachable.
“Artificial Intelligence, and Automation in general, come from humans for humans… it is not just a technology, it is an ongoing process.”
About Gap Conversational Automation Solution.
Our mission is to deliver intelligent, respectful, reliable and safe human-like conversational automation.
It is Intelligent.
It is more than a mere draft convenient imitation.
It is Respectful.
It is designed to serve both the customers and the customer care human operators.
It is Reliable.

It works silently, relentlessly and effortlessly.

It is Safe.
It steadily protects the data, and it carefully performs actions.
GAP. A development path.

Conversational Automation,
operational since 2018

Started in 2012, a R&D path, from Machine Learning for data Analytics to Artificial Intelligence for NLP, headed to the development of a proprietary CA solution, operational since the beginning of 2018.
“You can’t delegate Innovation to the people in the next office.”

About Gap CA Privilege.

Gap has 20-year long experience both in human operator customer care service as well as in ICT technology.The synergy between these two skills framed a perfect context for developing and executing high-quality Conversational Automation.
Gap has built up a strong ability to convert already existing human conversational services into digital ones, using proprietary processes driven by cutting edge technology and skilled staff.

Up to Conversational Process Automation.

Gap’s effort in delivering top level automated services points directly to Conversational Process Automation.
The human-like conversation is just a first step aimed at collecting and providing information. What is next is the structuring of data and the linking of them with existing business processes. System integration and data engineering are key operations in achieving partial or full business process automations and Gap has a solid grip also on them.